
FutureWater has developed a detailed manual, a repository with all plugins and datasets as well as several tutorial case studies to help users better understand the SPHY model and its application. The SPHY modeling package is available in the public domain and only uses open source software. Its installation is supported for Microsoft Windows 7 and higher. Within the folders below, users can find: 

SPHY Model: Download SPHY v3.1 from the website. Looking for a previous version? The source codes for older versions of SPHY (v2.0, v2.1, v2.2. and v3.0) are available on the SPHY Github page where users can also view the differences between the different versions. The modeling package is programmed in Python and uses Numpy libraries as well as libraries from the PCRaster environmental modeling language.

Plugins: Graphical user interfaces are available for QGIS but only for SPHY v2.0 at the moment. The QGIS plugin for later versions will be released soon. The folder includes QGIS v2.8.2 32-bit (330 MB executable installer), SPHY Plugin v1.0 (GUI to run SPHY model in QGIS, 125 kb RAR file, only compatible with SPHYv2.0) and SPHY PreProcess v1.0 (GUI to preprocess model input files in QGIS, 104 MB ZIP file). 

Manuals: In-depth manuals to guide users through the process of downloading, setting up, and running SPHY as well as analysing its outputs (confirm). Also available for the QGIS Plugin and case studies.

Case Studies: In total, three case studies have been published. The first case study focuses on the Himalayan snow- and glacier fed Trisuli river basin in Nepal, the second one is based on the Pungwe river basin in Mozambique while the third case study looks into the transboundary Red River sub-basin (Tuyen Quang sub-basin) in Vietnam and China. Please note that each of these case studies may require different versions of the SPHY model source code and may or may not use the SPHY model GUIs. The compatibility and required software and data for each case study are specified in the manual.

Datasets: The datasets for SPHY QGIS Plugin are available for two regions, Hindu-Kush, Himalaya (1 GB ZIP file) and Southeast Africa (1 GB ZIP file).

In order to download SPHY, plugins, manuals, case studies and datasets, you must create a free My SPHY account. 


  • SPHY peer-reviewed journal publication
  • Model theory, installation, and data preparation
  • SPHY Graphical User Interfaces manual
  • Reservoir module in SPHY v2.1


1. Can I run the glacier module independently?

Yes, with some modifications, the glacier module can be run independently from the full SPHY model.

2. What should I do if there is a significant difference between observed and simulated runoff during model validation?

Several approaches can help address discrepancies:

·         Bias correction: Apply monthly correction factors to precipitation data using observed station data and multiply SPHY precipitation values accordingly.

·         Alternative data sources: Consider using other precipitation datasets such as HAR, ERA5, or ERA5-Land to improve accuracy.

3. Does SPHY work in semi-arid areas for irrigation management, and is there a database available for such regions?

Yes, SPHY is well-suited for arid and semi-arid regions, including areas in India, Africa, and Central Asia. While we do not provide specific databases for all regions, data can be generated within SPHY using publicly available datasets.

4. How can I troubleshoot errors while running SPHY?

Here are some common troubleshooting steps:

·         Verify that tools, paths, and environment variables are installed correctly.

·         Check your PCRaster installation by testing the pcrcalc command or importing PCRaster in Python.

·         If using the SPHY QGIS plugin, ensure proper installation. Be cautious about duplicate or incorrectly placed folders during extraction. Plugin files should be located in the .qgis folder (hidden in the user directory).

·         Review the SPHY manual for detailed setup instructions.

5. Can I use SPHY on Linux or macOS platforms?

SPHY currently runs only on Windows platforms. It is not compatible with Linux or macOS operating systems, including CentOS-based clusters.

6. Is the SPHY GUI compatible only with version 2.0?

Yes, the SPHY GUI currently supports version 2.0. However, newer versions of SPHY (e.g., 2.1, 2.2, and 3.0) can be run via the command line interface and do not require QGIS.

7. How do I resolve SPHY GUI running errors?

If you encounter errors in the GUI, consider the following:

·         Ensure all required input data is included and formatted correctly as per the manual.

·         Avoid spaces in folder or file names.

·         Run the model through the command prompt to diagnose the issue. Navigate to the SPHY directory and run python for more detailed error messages.

8. How do I enable the reservoir module for accurate flow prediction in SPHY?

The reservoir module is not available through the GUI. To enable it, run SPHY from the command line and adjust the sphy_config.cfg file accordingly. The GUI is designed for users with limited modeling experience, while the command line offers advanced customization options.

9. Is SPHY Master an updated version of SPHY 2.0?

Yes, SPHY Master includes updates beyond version 2.0. Current versions include 2.1, 2.2, and the latest, 3.0.

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